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Relief for colleagues

A comprehensive and tailor-made programme for your colleagues. Without personal well-being, you can’t have an effective team. Through the activities presented, participants will experience ways to reduce tension, refine attention, increase performance, and improve working relationships. Other impacts include reduced sickness and turnover.


Science has proven what we all thought long ago! Nature brings many benefits to us and to our work performance. That's why we go out to bring the team together among the trees. Instead of competing, we encourage cooperation. Changing team dynamics is the focus of our work with the team, guided towards greater understanding, more effective communication and more openness. This way, colleagues can use the skills they have acquired outside the workplace and in their personal lives.

Benefits of teambuilding:

What will you experience:


Workshop participants will learn simple techniques that can have a big impact on their professional and personal lives. We pay close attention to the practical part because it is central to learning the skills and then incorporating the techniques into everyday life.

Well-being for every day

Stress management & how to avoid burn out



Nature and mental health

Money = happiness?

Opportunity for satisfaction

Emotional literacy

How to handle challenging life situations

Interpersonal relationships

S Terapií mezi stromy spolupracujeme přibližně jeden rok během Dní zdraví, kdy nám zajišťují přednášky a workshopy na rozličná témata související s duševním zdravím. Nedávno měl Adam workshop na naší konferenci Prevence syndromu vyhoření. S jejich prací jsme spokojeni.